Tag: Big lap

Winding tracks through the Gawler Ranges

A Wanderer’s Guide to: The Gawler Ranges

In our 4ish months in Central Australia, we saw countless introduced and feral animals: rabbits, horses, donkeys, camels…but we can count on one hand how many native animals we saw during that time, which was more than a bit disappointing. Lucky for us our next stop after Alice Springs was

Ford Ranger four wheel driving in East MacDonnell Ranges, Northern Territory

A Wanderer’s Guide to: The East MacDonnell Ranges

Most people who’ve been to the Red Centre have visited or at least know about the West MacDonnell Ranges (known to locals as the “West Macs”). They’re fairly easily accessible and have some of the most stunning gorges and waterholes you’ll ever see. If you ask these same people about

A Wanderer’s Guide to: Uluru (Ayers Rock) and Kata-Tjuta (The Olgas)

It is undeniable that the heart of the Red Centre is largely considered to be Uluru (Ayers Rock) and Kata-Tjuta (The Olgas). These impressive formations, particularly Uluru, have been at the centre of controversy for quite some time now, especially in 2019 as the decision was made to close the

The Oodnadatta Track: the Highs and Lowest Point in Australia

Now from Mount Remarkable NP, we had two options to get to Alice Springs: straight up the Stuart Highway (AKA the boring bitumen way) or along the Oodnadatta Track. I’m sure you can easily guess which one we chose. Our journey began in the small country town of Lyndhurst. Their